I did almost all steps from this website about palladium precipitation. I added HCl to my material of palladium on a hot plate and started adding nitric acid slowly. The soloution started getting green. When the material dissolved i cooled it for a day and i started heating it again and added additions of HCl and the mixture got dark green. I made bunch of Stannous chloride tests and i think that it is positive for palladium because the colour was yellow green. When i neutralized the soloution i let it for one more day. After that a blue- green crystals were formed so i filtered them. After that I made a concentrated soloution of amonium chloride and I added it to my palladium soloution. Some precipitate was formed so i filtered it. But the precipitate was not yellow or orange. Later I make a mixture of manganese oxide and HCl to produce chlorine. I introduced the chlorine to the green mixture of palladium and then some white green precipitate was formed. My question is am I doing everything correctly and why my soloution is green and if it is wronge how can i fix it.
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Hi @Sam. I wanted to tell you what is happening with the process. So I neutralized the pd soloution on a hot plate by adding HCl. After that I let it for a night and today I made saturated ammonium chloride soloution and I added it to the soloution. I filtered it and after that I bubbled chlorine gas into the soloution and a precipitate started to form and I let it for a night now. Is everything as it should be?
This is the precipitate after the chlorine bubbling