Hi there...
Gold-N-Scrap - a totally free, informative website containing videos, guides, tutorials and lots of other information.
What motivated us in establishing this repository of e-scrap refining info was two-fold: Firstly - to impart some of our not-inconsiderable scrap recovery knowledge in the hopes of preventing people who are new to this field-of-endeavour from getting ripped off by various less-than-adequate "get-rich-quick" schemes. We need to temper our enthusiasm or similarly bolster our enthusiasm with good reliable info. Something we've come to appreciate as presently not available online. Drips and drabs - as it were - of refining info can more-often-than-not lead to less-than-optimal recovery and has the obvious potential for increasing the likelihood of a toxic disaster of a chemically-hazardous situation.
Whether it's e-scrap, prospecting and mineral returns, scrap jewelry or any of a multitude of precious metals primary / secondary sources. Let's get down to business. Let's fire-up the MAPP : )
We'd like to suggest Gold-N-Scrap as also containing useful & valuable info for the seasoned scrapper/refiner/prospector. We think you'll agree! We hope you find what you're after - whether you're a beginner or an advanced "user" we'd like you to climb aboard and make meaningful contributions to this Discussion Forum and likewise we intend to do the same.
We try and ensure our tutorials meet your expectations for reliable, easily-understand, readily-followed instruction. This we achieve through expert consultation - rest assured: these are tried-and-tested techniques, protocols and strategies.
Gold-N-Scrap established and managed by Sam, a small-scale e-scrapper with considerable hands-on experience. This, in addition to being an accredited jewelry refiner located and operating out of sunny Israel.
Sam is always available to chat and answer questions on G-N-S Forum or at: Sam@goldnscrap.com

Want to Connect?
Best Regards, Sam
Gold-N-Scrap Founder